Melissa Jean Rod


Dealing with pain of discovering long held secrets.

Melissa Jean Rod

Hello and welcome to my little corner of the world!

Grab a sweet tea, pull up a chair and listen to my story.

It has it all. Love, anger, joy, sorrow, laughter, heartache, redemption. And every step of the way is God. Through it all, holding me close and loving me. No matter where I go, He’s there.

God has been with me through so many wild and crazy times throughout my life. I’m far from perfect and have struggled at times but still tend to be a “Pollyanna” or with a glass half full type of attitude. My life may not have been easy, but it’s been wonderful and I’m here to share it in the hopes that maybe you will benefit a tad bit from my experiences.

Get comfy and let’s talk!

"A Daughter's Quest Devotional" is a companion piece to her upcoming book, "A Daughter's Quest," a daily peek at her thoughts and prayers as she deals with the pain and anxiety of discovering long held secrets.

A Daughter's Quest

By Melissa Jean Rod

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